Hi I’m miss Renee! I’ve been teaching at the studio for now three years and it’s been amazing. I’ve been working with primary jazz for two years and this year I will be teaching junior jazz with miss Grace! I personally have been dancing since I was 2 1/2 and instantly fell in love with it. I didn’t take dancing serious until I was about 10 years old and I then realized that this is what I wanted to do. I have come to love contemporary the most, because of the pictures you can create and the stories you can tell without speaking. Contemporary isn’t about all the fun tricks, it’s a different way of movement that makes It challenging and fun. Through the movement of dance you can do so much and dance has been an outlet for me through all these years. I have created amazing bonds with other dance teachers, parents, and children, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’ve been with some of these teachers since I was 10! They have watched me grow up and are always there to help guide the way when it gets difficult. This year I plan to attend Harbour Dance Centre in Vancouver, courtesy of a scholarship at plie prep competition last season for 5 days of training. After graduating high
school, I’ve just been working full time and plan on working towards getting my real estate license! I cannot wait for season three at Movement Dance Studio and I absolutely cannot wait to see everyone shine on stage. Dance has always been there, it does what some of us can’t say out loud. We all have different reasons to why we dance, I do it to share my growth and my story.